Amanda the Adventurer Wiki

"Security Footage", otherwise known as the Blue Tape, is the second of the five obtainable secret tapes in Amanda the Adventurer. The tape shows mute surveillance footage of the Hameln Director interviewing Rebecca Colton.

How to obtain[]

See Category:Tapes#Secret tapes


The video displays surveillance footage. The room appears quite blank, except for the table in the middle and its two chairs on either side. A waiver and a pen are placed on the table. In the top left corner, the date is displayed as 3/8/2002 at 2:47 PM.

The door opens, and a dark-haired woman with a ponytail and lab coat enters the room—a scientist—followed by a young girl with a checkered dress and two puffy pigtails, almost resembling Amanda, named Rebecca Colton. As Rebecca sits down in the left seat, a middle-aged balding man in a suit—the Director of Hameln Entertainment—takes the right chair. The woman closes the door and stands behind the man with her clipboard.

The Director opens a notebook containing a waiver and then turns it around to face Rebecca. He gives her a pen and begins speaking to her, using exaggerated hand movements. Rebecca responds to him, while the scientist takes notes, observing the interaction.

Rebecca starts writing in the notebook, signs the waiver, and then finishes. The director takes the notebook from her, closes it, and the scientist moves to open the door. All three individuals leave the room.

The video glitches and abruptly cuts to black, ending the scene at 2:48 PM.

The video then switches to another scene of security footage, occurring at 2:49 PM. A security guard is seen standing near a door. The footage shows the scientist guiding Rebecca to a room, with a hand over her shoulder. The security guard unlocks the door for them, and they enter the room, closing the door behind them. The Director is absent in this scene.

After a brief blue screen, the tape ends.

Previous tape: Orange Tape

Next tape: Red Tape

Pilot Episode

Baking a PieGoing to the StoreSecret TapeFinding TreasureMaking New Friends
Amanda the Adventurer
In the KitchenIn Your NeighborhoodOh No! Accidents!Everything Rots!What's a Family?Riley's Fav MoviesSummer 1984Home MoviesWe Can Share
Secret tapes
Orange TapeBlue TapeRed TapeGreen TapePurple TapeHerd of Mouth
Amanda the Adventurer 2
Let's Plan a TripWATCH ME
