Amanda the Adventurer Wiki

"Everything Rots!" is the fourth tape the player watches in Amanda the Adventurer.

The first version is obtained via the clock puzzle, while the second is through the Say n' See. The former leads to A Gruesome End, while the latter to A Gruesome End.


Amanda educates Riley about the subject of rotting and death, hence the tape being labeled "Everything Rots!".

The episode has Amanda and Wooly exploring different things that rot, such as a rotting sandwich from their picnic, a rotting tree stump, and a deceased Mr. Fox.

The episode finally comes to a close with a small dispute between Amanda and Wooly about if everything around them rots before Amanda directly asks Riley if everything rots. Regardless of Riley's answer, the TV will go static before abruptly going black. A creature breaks into the attic via the trapdoor, killing Riley.


The episode begins with Amanda and Wooly having a picnic.

  • Amanda: "Hi again! I'm Amanda!"
  • Wooly: "And I'm Wooly!"
  • Amanda: "It's such a nice day for a picnic! What's your favorite food to eat at a picnic?"

Amanda waits for a response.

  • Amanda: "Oh, I don't like that at all."
  • Wooly: "Ugh! Amanda, what's that smell? I've never smelled anything like that."
  • Amanda: "Hmmm, I don't know, Wooly. You're right; it's a bad smell! [to Riley] What do you think is making that bad smell?"

If the player clicks the apples or the cupcakes:

  • Amanda: "No, that looks fine!"

After the second time:

  • Amanda: "Are you doing this on purpose?"

After the third time, the apples and cupcakes are replaced with pulsating organs.

  • Amanda: [annoyed] "What is making that bad smell?"

After clicking the rotten sandwich:

  • Amanda: "Pee-ew, you're right!"

The video cuts to a live-action time-lapse of a rotting sandwich.

  • Amanda (voiceover): "This sandwich is stinky because it's rotting!"

Cut to Amanda and Wooly at a tree stump.

  • Amanda: "This tree stump is rotting, too! Do you know why? Things rot when they are not alive anymore. Do you know what the opposite of alive is?"

A four-letter prompt appears.

If the player doesn't type "Dead":

  • Amanda: "Look at the tree stump. If it's not alive, what is it?"

After the second time:

  • Wooly: "I don't think we should be talking about this."

After the third time:

  • Amanda: "Are you afraid to think about it?"

After typing "Dead":

  • Amanda: "That's right! The tree stump is dead. Dead is the opposite of alive. Good job!"

Another rotting tree stump is shown.

  • Amanda (voiceover): "Plants can die if they don't get enough light or water, or if they get a disease!"
  • Wooly (voiceover): "Let's go back to our nice picnic..."

Cut to Amanda and Wooly standing next to dead fox sticking out of a bush.

  • Amanda: "Animals can die in different ways too. Look at poor Mr. Fox. He is dead and rotting. What do you think killed him? The gun, the knife, or the poisonous berries on this bush?"

After clicking any of the objects:

  • Amanda: "I don't think that was it."

After clicking another object:

  • Amanda: "No, it wasn't that. Look at his funny tongue; he's silly! What killed him?"

After clicking another object:

  • Amanda: "Wouldn't it be nice if he could tell us? Mr. Fox, what made you die?"

After the fourth time, the bush disappears, revealing a bear trap.

  • Amanda: "It was the ugly old bear trap! Mr. Fox didn't even know what got him until it was too late."
  • Wooly: "Amanda, this has gone too far. I don't like this."

Amanda rolls her eyes at him. Cut to the two at a hill.

  • Amanda: "We saw so many things today! A rotting sandwich, a rotting tree stump, and silly old rotting Mr. Fox! Hm, sometimes... I feel myself... rotting... But, it feels far away."
  • Wooly: [irritated] "Amanda! Nothing is rotten here!"
  • Amanda: [to Riley] "What do you think? Do you think that everything rots?"
  • Wooly: "Of course not, Amand—"
  • Amanda: "I'm not asking you! [to Riley] Answer my question!"
  • Wooly: "You don't have to answer that!"

A five-letter prompt appears.

If the player types "No":

  • Wooly: "See? Everything is fine here. It's all fine."

If the player types "Yes":

  • Amanda: "That's what I was afraid of..."

If the player types anything else:

  • Amanda: "Why won't you answer my question?"

After the second time:

  • Amanda: "You have to tell me..."

After the third time:

  • Amanda: [distressed] "TELL ME!"
  • Wooly: [frightened] "NOO!--"

Wooly has disappeared.

  • Amanda: "Don't you want to be my friend? Please, answer my question!"

The prompt is reduced to three letters. The player is forced to type "Yes".

  • Amanda: "I think it might be too late..."

After getting either outcome, the TV screen fades to static. Riley turns around, hearing a noise coming from the attic's trapdoor. A tall, grey creature proceeds to break open the door. After climbing to the ceiling, the creature spots Riley, dashing over to them. With a thundering roar, it goes to bite Riley's head, killing them. This is theGruesome Ending.

Previous episode: "Oh No! Accidents!"

The episode begins yet again with Amanda and Wooly having a picnic.

  • Amanda: "Hi again! I'm Amanda!"
  • Wooly: "And I'm Wooly--"

The video glitches and skips over some parts.

  • Wooly: "What's that smell?"

It skips again.

  • Amanda: "What do you think is making that bad smell?"

Note: The responses are the same from version 1.

After clicking the rotten sandwich:

  • Amanda: "Pee-ew, you're right!"

It briefly shows the rotting sandwich, before skipping to Amanda and Wooly at the tree stump.

  • Amanda: "Do you know what the opposite of alive is?"

After typing "Dead":

  • Amanda: "Dead is the opposite of alive. Good job!"

The video cuts. This time, a kitten is seen trapped in a cage in a bush.

  • Amanda: "When an animal dies, it rots, too!"
  • Kitten: [mews]
  • Amanda: "It looks like this kitten is in big trouble! It might die before anyone can help it..."
  • Kitten: [distorted mews]
  • Amanda: "Should we help the kitten?"

A three-letter prompt appears.

If the player doesn't type "Yes":

  • Kitten: [mews]
  • Amanda: "We really don't have much time!"

After typing "Yes", the bush disappears and the video freezes. The kitten repeatedly mews. After clicking the kitten, the TV turns off. Behind Riley, the attic's trapdoor has opened, a bright light and the show's theme song emitting from it.

Riley walks over to the trapdoor, followed by the screen fading to white. They're then seen inside a Butcher's Shop, being one of the meats hanging from the hooks on the ceiling. In front of them, the Butcher is cutting meat. This is the Fateful Ending.

Previous episode: "What's a Family?"


  • The prompt for the "everything rots" question has five letters, despite the biggest answer having three. The prompt becomes three letters when forced to type "Yes".
    • "Maybe" doesn't count as an answer.
Pilot Episode

Baking a PieGoing to the StoreSecret TapeFinding TreasureMaking New Friends
Amanda the Adventurer
In the KitchenIn Your NeighborhoodOh No! Accidents!Everything Rots!What's a Family?Riley's Fav MoviesSummer 1984Home MoviesWe Can Share
Secret tapes
Orange TapeBlue TapeRed TapeGreen TapePurple TapeHerd of Mouth
Amanda the Adventurer 2
Let's Plan a TripWATCH ME
