Amanda the Adventurer Wiki

This is a list of minor locations from the Amanda the Adventurer games. These locations don't have a major role and/or don't have enough information about it to have their own page.


Amanda's house[]


"In the Kitchen" is presumably set in Amanda's house's Kitchen. Another room of the house is seen in "We Can Share" containing a couch.


In "In Your Neighborhood", Amanda and Wooly visit a Bakery to buy cookies to give to her friend.

Candy Store[]

The Candy Store is seen in the second version of "In Your Neighborhood" but is not visited due to it being replaced by the Meat Store.

Corner Store[]

The Convenience Store

In both versions of "In Your Neighborhood", Amanda and Wooly visit a Corner Store to buy a card.

Fruit Store[]

Fruit Store

In "Baking a Pie", Amanda and Wooly go to the Fruit Store to buy apples to make a pie.

Hameln Headquarters[]

Hameln Headquarters is seen in the Blue Tape and the Green Tape, with two known rooms being an interviewing room and a recording booth. Further details of the location are unknown.


In "Oh No! Accidents!" Amanda & Wooly go to a Hospital to treat Wooly's injury.

Kate's house[]

Before Kate's presumable passing, she bequeathed her house to Riley. The entire game is set in the attic and the rest of the house is unseen.

Meat Store[]

Amanda being neutral

Going to the Store

The Butcher with Wooly and Amanda

In Your Neighborhood

In "Going to the Store", Amanda and Wooly go to the Meat Store to buy meat for Grandma. The store returns in "In Your Neighborhood" as a brief glitch in version 1 and Amanda visiting it against her will in the 2nd version.

Operation Room[]

In the second version of "Oh No! Accidents!", Amanda takes Wooly to a bloody Operation Room to operate on his brain.

Petting Zoo[]

In "What's a Family?", Amanda and Wooly visit a Petting Zoo to see chickens and sheep.


Oh No Accidents

In "Oh No! Accidents!" Amanda and Wooly are at a Playground. Amanda makes up a story about Wooly tripping and hurting himself. A cleaner version of the playground is seen at the beginning of the 2nd version.

Post Office[]

Wooly tentative 2

In "In Your Neighborhood", Amanda & Wooly go to a Post Office to deliver a gift to Amanda's friend.

Sunflower Diner[]

The Sunflower Diner is a diner in Kensdale, Ohio. Lacey Mitchel and Sam Colton met here and chatted about Amanda the Adventurer.[1]

The Woods[]

Wooly’s Death Place

A satellite photo from Google Earth with a red circle is seen in a Secret Tape from the Pilot Episode. The significance of the location is unknown, though it's theorized to be the forest in "Finding Treasure". The photo is from Hamilton, Ontario.


  1. Newspaper