Amanda the Adventurer Wiki

"Disappearing Kid", otherwise known as the Orange Tape, is the first of the five obtainable secret tapes in Amanda the Adventurer. The tape shows a girl named Lauren unresponsive to her parents while she watches Amanda the Adventurer on her birthday, which upsets them.

How to obtain[]

See Category:Tapes#Secret tapes


The video is from the perspective of a camera being held by a mother.

She walks in on her daughter sitting in front of a TV, motionless, watching an episode of Amanda the Adventurer.

  • Wooly: "Usually, my mom holds my treat money."
  • Amanda: "Well, I [inaudible] on an adventure!"
  • Lauren's mom: [sighs] "Come on, Lauren, we have a special surprise for you."
  • Wooly: "Okay, here's what I have."
  • Amanda: "You have [inaudible]."

Lauren remains unresponsive. Her mother sighs and goes downstairs, where she meets her husband:

  • Lauren's dad: "Who's ready for ice cream and cake!?"
  • Lauren's mom: [disappointed] "She's busy with her best friend."
  • Lauren's dad: "Is that show on 24/7?"
  • Lauren's mom: "It's like she didn't even hear me."
  • Lauren's dad: "We need to talk about some new TV rules. You know what? Hold on. Let me try. I wanna- I want to capture the big surprise on video."

Lauren's mom chuckles.

  • Lauren's dad: "Lauren, honey, we got cake and ice cream! We got your favorite - mint chocolate chip!"

Lauren's mom goes back upstairs.

  • Lauren's mom: "Come on, baby, we can watch Amanda another time."

She sees Lauren has vanished. Amanda the Adventurer is still playing, with Wooly seen eating some ice cream.

  • Amanda: "It's so much fun-"
  • Lauren's mom: "Lauren?"
  • Amanda: "-to buy your own treats!"
  • Lauren's dad: "Everything okay?"

Behind her, the front door is open.

  • Lauren's mom: "Lauren!?"

She puts the camera on the floor, facing the TV, before running out of the house.

  • Amanda: "Mmmmm-"
  • Lauren's dad: "Lauren!?"
  • Amanda: "-I love mint chocolate chip!"

Lauren's dad follows suit, his reflection seen in the window. The video then cuts to static and ends.

Next tape: Blue Tape


  • Amanda's dialogue is reversed when the camera shows the front door.
  • Amanda's last line is louder than the other dialogue from the TV, despite the camera being far from it.
Pilot Episode

Baking a PieGoing to the StoreSecret TapeFinding TreasureMaking New Friends
Amanda the Adventurer
In the KitchenIn Your NeighborhoodOh No! Accidents!Everything Rots!What's a Family?Riley's Fav MoviesSummer 1984Home MoviesWe Can Share
Secret tapes
Orange TapeBlue TapeRed TapeGreen TapePurple TapeHerd of Mouth
Amanda the Adventurer 2
Let's Plan a TripWATCH ME
