Amanda the Adventurer Wiki

"Sam's Library Visit" is the third of the four secret tapes in Amanda the Adventurer 2. The tape shows Sam Colton reading at a story time at the Kensdale Public Library.


At the Kensdale Public Library, Sam is reading Alice in Wonderland to a group of children and parents in a corner.

  • Sam: "'Alice sat with her eyes closed imagining she was still in Wonderland. But she knew that if she opened her eyes, everything would go back to normal. The instrument she heard would become grass blowing in the wind. Rings of smoke from the Caterpillar would become the ripples on the pond. The noise of teacups would turn into the sound of bells on sheep. And the queen's loud voice would become a boy calling for the sheep. All the strange sounds she heard would just be animals in the meadow.' [closes the book] Wow... what a fun story! Did you all like that story?"

The children applaud, replying with "Yeah!" Kate Park walks into frame.

  • Kate: "Let's thank Mr. Sam Colton for joining us this morning for a very special story time. [she and the children applaud] Hey, you all may know a friend of Mr. Colton's. You can watch her on her very own hometown hit show on Kensdale's public access channel. Do you know what show that is?"
  • Kids: "Amanda the Adventurer!"
  • Kate: "That's right, my friends! Now, parents, on your way out today, please consider donating to the library's renovation fund so we can have even more great programming like we did today."

A man in a grey suit walks into frame and has a seat.

  • Kate: "A major goal of the renovation is to create a special place for your little ones to read and dream, in their very own Kids' Corner with a state-of-the-art activity center and an expanded selection for early readers. Now remember, we can't do it without your support."
  • Sam: "That new Kid's Corner will open up a whole new world, where your kids will be able to feed their imagination and fuel their own adventures."
  • Kate: "That's right."
  • Sam: "I can't wait to see such a special place come to life."
  • Kate: "Yeah. Thank you again, Mr. Colton. And I look forward to seeing every one of you back here Thursday for a special production of The Very Silly Groundhog by our friends at Blue Fairy Puppet Theater. 'Kay, bye."
  • Sam: "Bye."
  • Show-Off Kid's dad: "Bye."

The group leaves the corner.

  • Kate: [approaching the cameraman] "Hey, thanks for filming again for the archive!"
  • Show-Off Kid: "Daddy, did you turn off the camera?"
  • Show-Off Kid's dad: "No, I'm- I'm about to."
  • Kate: "Okay, I'll catch you later."

The grey-suited man shakes hands with Sam and converses.

  • Hameln Representative: "Good to see you again."
  • Show-Off Kid: "Make a film of me!"
  • Sam: "Didn't expect to see you at a story time."
  • Show-Off Kid: "Watch!" [starts making dance-like moves]
  • Show-Off Kid's dad: "Okay!"
  • Representative: "Well, I'm a sucker for that Cheshire Cat."
  • Show-Off Kid's dad: "Perfect! Yeah! Give me what you got!"
  • Representative: "You know, I have to say, I just love seeing that connection you've made with the kids here, it's..."
  • Show-Off Kid's dad: "I love it!"
  • Representative: "...something else."
  • Show-Off Kid's dad: "You're my favorite jumper!"
  • Representative: "Do you have a minute?"
  • Show-Off Kid's dad: "Look at that!"
  • Show-Off Kid: "Ha!"

The video cuts to static and the tape ends.

Previous tape: "Sam's Message to Rebecca"

Next tape: "Rebecca's Room"

Pilot Episode

Baking a PieGoing to the StoreSecret TapeFinding TreasureMaking New Friends
Amanda the Adventurer
In the KitchenIn Your NeighborhoodOh No! Accidents!Everything Rots!What's a Family?Riley's Fav MoviesSummer 1984Home MoviesWe Can Share
Secret tapes
Disappearing KidSecurity FootageNews ReportPublic Access InterviewRecording BoothHerd of Mouth
Amanda the Adventurer 2
Let's Plan a TripWATCH MELet's Start the Day!Let's Practice Patience!Let's Hunt for Treasure!Goodnight!When You're Feeling BadWe Can Fix It!Do You Feel Safe?
Secret tapes
Occult Research MeetingsSam's Message to RebeccaSam's Library VisitRebecca's RoomAunt Kate's Death
