"Summer 1984" is a tape found in Amanda the Adventurer. While this tape doesn't show a specific topic like the previous ones, this tape provides a clue for the player to obtain the next tape.
Amanda and Wooly from "Baking a Pie" are shown again.
- Wooly: "I'm allergic to apple--"
The video cuts. Amanda's lines from previous episodes are chopped up:
- Amanda: "How many chairs? How many mushrooms? How many fruits? How many lights?"
The answer to this is 2862. Enter those numbers into the lock on the closet to be greeted with a bucket and the next tape: Home Movies
Previous tape: "Riley's Fav Movies"
Next tape: "Home Movies"
- This, along with "Riley's Fav Movies", has the shortest time length of under one minute.
Tapes | ||
Pilot Episode Baking a Pie • Going to the Store • Secret Tape • Finding Treasure • Making New Friends |