Amanda the Adventurer Wiki
Sam Colton
"[A] big idea and a little budget."
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You don't have to answer that!
Wooly advising Riley in "Everything Rots"

Wooly the Sheep, formerly known as Woolie from the Pilot Episode, is the deuteragonist in the indie-horror game, Amanda the Adventurer. He is an anthropomorphic sheep who is the companion of Amanda, joining her on her adventures in her show.


Wooly is a simple, black-skinned anthropomorphic sheep roughly the same size as Amanda. He possesses long arms and legs with his legs having hooves while his arms instead have slightly humanoid hands. As his name suggests, his body and the top of his head are covered with white wool. He appears to possess a potbelly. He has long ears with the inner parts being a lighter color. His eyebrows are white like his wool.


Wooly is shy and keeps to himself by nature. He seems to be under fear and oppression by Amanda as he often seems afraid to interrupt her and doesn’t tend to speak unless directly referred to or spoken to, leaving him silent and suppressed in most parts of the episodes.

Despite this however, there are times of Wooly putting his foot down when Amanda pushes his limits and emotions too far, such as when he tells Riley Park that they don’t have to answer her morbid question at the end of "Everything Rots!", and when he tells the player to destroy the tapes in "Finding Treasure". When Wooly is offended, he will stop talking to others, and make facial expressions that convey his emotions.

Wooly, when not being threatened by Amanda, comes across as jovial and acts as the voice of reason throughout the game. He also seems to act kindly towards Riley such as when he guides them to help Amanda get him a birthday treat in the alternate version of "In Your Neighborhood", and even winks at Riley, showing that he seems to trust them and treats them as a friend.


Pilot Episode[]

Amanda the Adventurer Old Logo
"Hi! I'm Amanda." "And I'm Wooly!"
This article or section is about the original game, Amanda the Adventurer: Pilot Episode.
Information here may not be canon.

Baking a Pie[]


Wooly and Amanda introducing themselves.

Wooly is first seen alongside Amanda, introducing himself after her. After the viewer answers whether they like apples or not, Wooly adds that he's allergic to apples, but Amanda reassures him that it's "okay" and he should "never be afraid to try something new!". Wooly then says that they don't know where the store is, so Amanda asks the viewer to help find it.

Upon finding and entering the store, Wooly says "It sure looks crowded", despite nobody being around. The two find the apples they're looking for, allowing them to make an apple pie.

Going to the Store[]

Ditto but diffrent actions

Wooly panics at the Butcher's.

Wooly is alone in an alley. Before he can tell the viewer not to do something, he's interrupted by Amanda's appearance, with the two greeting the viewer again, though, he's more nervous. Amanda tells them that they are getting meat for their Grandma, even though Wooly remarks that she's a vegetarian.

After heading to the butcher's shop, Amanda asks the viewer to tell the "meat man" what they need, while Wooly gestures in a scared way to tell them not to answer. While the butcher is chopping up the meat, Amanda slowly loses her smile and turns her head at Wooly. When Wooly turns to her, he suddenly panics, raising his hand.

Finding Treasure[]


Wooly before his presumable demise.

Amanda and Wooly are searching for treasure via a treasure map. They enter the woods, with Amanda asking Wooly if he is excited, repeating it (in a deeper tone) due to him being inattentive. Amanda asks the viewer to show them where "X marks the spot".

Upon finding it, Wooly, inattentively, asks how they are going to dig up the treasure. Amanda explains that she brought three tools: A crowbar, a rope, and a shovel. After explaining that they already used the crowbar for a door, and the rope for an unknown use, she will then point to the shovel. Just as they're about to dig up the treasure, Wooly snaps and says that he's had enough, and breaks the fourth wall by grabbing the camera and telling the viewer to burn the tapes. While this is happening, Amanda levitates, progressively getting angrier as Wooly goes on. The tape cuts to static, with Amanda presumably killing Wooly offscreen.

Amanda tape 3

The pile of wool next to Amanda.

Making New Friends[]

Wooly is absent in this episode, his remains being a small pile of wool next to Amanda in the beginning.

Amanda the Adventurer[]

In the Kitchen[]

Amanda asking if we can smell the apples and cinnamon

Wooly and Amanda preparing the pie.

Amanda and Wooly are going to make an apple pie. After Wooly says his favorite pie is peach, Amanda asks Riley about their favorite kind of pie, agreeing with them no matter the answer. Though, Wooly gasps when Riley gives unconventional answers like "organs" or "human", Amanda turning to him while agreeing.

After Amanda gets a knife to use to cut the apples, Wooly nervously says that he doesn't think that they're supposed to use it by themselves. Amanda shrugs off his concerns by saying "It's always good to be brave when you're by yourself!", before pretending to be a pirate by pointing the knife at him, much to his dismay. After cutting the apples and gathering the other ingredients, Amanda asks Riley to help find the sugar, Wooly pointing to the possible locations as she lists them.

Now ready to bake their prepared pie, Wooly interjects that they shouldn't be using the oven by themselves and that they should always ask a parent for help. Amanda ominously states that she doesn't know where they are at the moment but happily states that they're on their own. After the pie finishes baking, Wooly waves goodbye to Riley with Amanda before they eat it.

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Wooly and Amanda after the oven bursts into flames.

Earlier in the episode, If Riley chooses to pause the TV to preheat the toy oven, the episode instead ends with the oven bursting into flames, Wooly and Amanda screaming and cowering.

In Your Neighborhood[]

Wooly is seen the second tape that is titled 'In Your Neighborhood'. He and Amanda are standing outside 3 different buildings: The Corner Store, The Bakery, and The Post Office. Amanda and Wooly are there to find a gift to deliver to their friend.

During the Corner Store segment, Wooly stands idly to the side as Amanda interacts with the player, either nodding or shaking his head, depending on what shelf the player chooses.

Sad wooly

Amanda ignores Wooly.

Once they are standing outside the 3 buildings again, Amanda states 'I want to get my friend a special treat'. Wooly then asks Amanda if he can have a special treat. Amanda completely ignores him and repeats the same statement as Wooly is seen being sad as he looks to the floor, his ears flopped downward.

Once they go into the Bakery, Wooly smells in the directions of the baked goods with the opening line 'Mmm, everything smells so good'. As Amanda begins to speak, she is cut off. The tape glitches out and for a few short seconds, transitions to the Butcher's store, with Amanda with her hands to her mouth, as if she was about to puke, and Wooly standing there, looking at her motionlessly. The tape resumes back to normal with Amanda finishing her sentence and Wooly turns and smiles at her.

Wooly tentative 2

Wooly tries to convince Amanda to send the package later.

The two are seen outside again after visiting the Bakery. Amanda wants to visit the Post Office to send off the package to her friend. Wooly states it's getting late and most of the stores are closed, thus unable to send the package. Amanda demandingly tells Wooly that they have to get to the Post Office to deliver it today.

Wooly is seen again in the Post Office, with a frown on his face. Amanda cannot remember the name of her friend, and Wooly tells her that "We can come back tomorrow. Y-you don't have to send that now." Amanda desperately tells Wooly that she needs to deliver the package. As the player types 'Kate' into the text box, Wooly is seen suddenly sad, head looking down as Amanda celebrates.

Choices on the tape:[]

If the player chooses the wrong building, Wooly is seen either looking towards the floor or shaking his head.

  • If the player chooses the correct building, Wooly claps his hands, a smile can be seen on his face.
  • If the player chooses the wrong shelf in the Corner Store, Wooly is seen shaking his head, arms crossed and hand on his chin with a thinking-like position.
  • If the player chooses the right shelf in the Corner Store, Wooly uncrosses his arms and smiles.
  • If the player chooses the wrong baked good in the Bakery, Wooly changes his position by having a small frown and his hand on his chin, as he looks worried.
  • If the player chooses the right baked good in the Bakery, Wooly does nothing and continues to smile.
  • If the player types 'Kate' or any other name regardless, Wooly remains sad.

In Your Neighborhood (Version 2)[]

In the alternative videotape of 'In Your Neighborhood', 4 shops appear behind Wooly and Amanda: The Corner Store, The Butcher, The Candy Store, and The Post Office. Amanda will start to get mad, and later upset, after the player selects The Butcher multiple times.

Oh No! Accidents![]


Wooly injured leg.

Wooly is alone at a playground and is relieved upon seeing Riley. He tries to tell them not to do something but the video glitches, with him crying on the ground, his knee injured. Amanda has appeared, who hurt Wooly for most likely trying to tell Riley something that would go against her. After noticing Riley is still watching, Amanda attempts to act shocked by Wooly's accident, saying that they "were playing and Wooly tripped and fell."

Wooly tries to say this is untrue, but Amanda cuts him off by asking Riley where he hurt himself. Then, she asks for someone who can help when one is injured. If Riley repeatedly answers incorrectly, Wooly becomes frightened by Amanda's sudden outburst. After answering with "Doctor", Amanda takes Wooly to the hospital so that he can see a doctor.

At the hospital, Amanda asks Riley which room they should enter to find the right doctor for Wooly. Repeatedly answering incorrectly again, Wooly urgently tells them to help him find the right doctor. They then enter the room for those with broken bones. Wooly asks when the doctor will treat him, but Amanda tells him the doctor isn't here, so she'll check Wooly's injury herself. Before Amanda can use the X-ray machine to see Wooly's bones, the episode abruptly ends.

Oh No! Accidents! (Version 2)[]


A distorted Amanda looming over Wooly.

Wooly is alone at the playground again and asks if Riley trusts him. Before they can answer, Amanda, offscreen, asks if Wooly's "Ready for an adventure?" Wooly panics and then cowers as a distorted Amanda looms over him. After the video cuts, a normal Amanda is seen next to Wooly, who tells Riley that Wooly had an accident and that sometimes nobody can help. Wooly looks at Amanda in horror, trying to reassure her that he's fine.

Amanda claims that Wooly is confused, and asks Riley to find the part of him that's broken. If they choose incorrectly repeatedly, the camera is shoved in Wooly's face, much to his discomfort. The correct answer is Wooly's head, which is broken, according to Amanda. To "prepare the patient", she gives Wooly a drink, Amanda reassuring him that it's "all just pretend." This drink is a drug that causes Wooly to fall unconscious.

The two are then seen in a bloody operation room, an unconscious Wooly on the operating table. Amanda asks Riley what tool they should use to operate on Wooly's brain, being a saw, hammer, or forceps. She then reveals that they're actually going to use all three, and as Wooly wakes up, Amanda appears on top of him with the saw. The two engage in a struggle, Wooly pleading for help as Amanda asks Riley who they'll assist.

Choosing Amanda allows her to subdue Wooly by smacking him in the face with the saw, knocking him out. She reassures him that "Everything will be okay."

Choosing Wooly causes Amanda to express disappointment, before stating that she can finish the operation by herself. She tells Riley to go away as she raises the saw, preparing to cut into Wooly.

In both outcomes, static fills the video as the last heard of Wooly is his screaming, before his presumable demise.

What's a Family?[]

At the petting zoo, after Amanda and Wooly introduce themselves to the audience, Wooly makes a sheep noise.

During the course of the tape, Wooly will begin to make more sheep sounds, as if losing his ability to speak. Later, before Amanda finds a cat, Wooly will be shown acting like an ordinary sheep, hinting that he was involuted (or in simple words, dehumanized) by Amanda.

Everything Rots![]

Everything Rots

Wooly and Amanda's picnic.

At his nice picnic with Amanda, Wooly smells something very bad, which turns out to be emitting from a rotting sandwich. Amanda then talks about dead and rotting things, with Wooly unsuccessfully trying to get Amanda back to the picnic. If you refuse to answer Amanda's final question three times, Amanda will forcefully remove him from the area.

Herd of Mouth[]


An idling Wooly.

In a tape only accessible by accessing the game's files, Wooly is shown sitting in an empty room. Amanda isn't present, not even in the intro. He sits silently, occasionally coughing, yawning, perking his ears up, or scratching his buttocks.

It’s unknown where this tape takes place and people are still speculating what its purpose is, however, it has been stated by someone on the team that Herd of Mouth holds no relevance to the main story implying that it is a tape created to keep fans thinking for no reason. [citation needed]

Amanda the Adventurer 2[]

Wooly is currently missing from Amanda the Adventurer 2, with his fate and whereabouts being left unknown. However, if the player types "Wooly" when Amanda asks who you'd like to visit, she says "Yeah, if you can find him!", implying that he is still alive and out there somewhere.


These are notable relationships with Wooly.


Wooly is Amanda's sidekick and best friend. However, their relations aren't expanded upon.

In the Pilot Episode, Wooly fears Amanda's sudden changes in attitude, with Amanda intervening every time he tries to talk to the viewer. In "Finding Treasure", Amanda kills him after he rebels against her.

In the main game, Wooly is not so afraid of Amanda, though he is more nervous. When Wooly tries to tell Riley something important, Amanda breaks his knee. The next time he tries to repeat this, Amanda will say that Wooly's head is "broken" and that we need to fix it. Whatever action is chosen next, Amanda likely kills him.[1]

Riley Park[]

Riley becomes trusted by Wooly, given his relief upon seeing them[1] and guiding them by using his birthday to help Amanda.[2] However, he can barely talk to them due to Amanda's constant intervention.


  • A popular theory among fans is that Wooly used to be human, like Amanda. Throughout the game, there are several allusions to the ambiguity of Wooly's true identity, one being a secret message found on a book in the attic that reads "Who Is Wooly". As a result, many fans have speculated his true identity.
    • One popular candidate is Sam Colton. Many fans have noted that Wooly is much more mature than Amanda, and often appears to act as a sort of guardian towards her to keep her from attacking the player, assuming that Wooly is in no way connected to the entity. Coupled with this is how Wooly appears to act somewhat hesitant towards his position, most visibly during the instance where the both of them are forced to go into the butcher shop. Some fans have interpreted his times of absence, where Amanda is more easily able to express her emotions, as Rebecca is feeling lonely.
    • Another candidate is Larry Smith, who is listed in the credits as "Chief Neurosurgical Officer". In the alt version of "Oh No! Accidents!", Amanda attempts to perform a brain surgery on Wooly. Some fans interpret this as Amanda, who contains the conscience of Rebecca, playing out past traumas she had of being experimented on. The line that it is "just pretend" is often cited as evidence for this.
  • Wooly is likely based on the character Boots the Monkey from Dora the Explorer. Both are animal sidekicks to their respective titular main characters.
  • His design is based on other cartoons of the time and made to look both good and bad, to simulate the 2000s 3D animation. The method to invoke this is having parts of him look notably more polished while other parts, such as the wool textures on his body intentionally are made to look "terrible".[3]
  • In "Going to the Store", Wooly mentions Amanda's grandma as "Grandma" instead of "your grandma", which could mean the two were meant to be related.
    • In the Orange Tape, he says that his mother usually holds his treat money, mentioning her as "my mother" instead of "mother".
  • Wooly was allergic to apples in the Pilot Episode.[4]
  • His favorite type of pie is peach.[5]
  • As shown in multiple tapes, Wooly's ears are connected to his emotions as they perk up when he is scared and droop when he is sad.


Main characters

AmandaAmanda's monster formBlabbotGret-chanHameln DirectorKate ParkMasked FigureOpossumRebecca ColtonRiley ParkSam ColtonWooly
Minor characters
Amanda (live-action)Amanda's parentsCrew of Amanda the AdventurerGrandmaHameln ScientistHameln Security GuardJoanne CookJordan CookLacey MitchelLaurenLauren's dadLauren's momLonely KittenMr. FoxMr. ParkMrs. and Mr. CookNews 45 NewscasterPossessed ManSadie KoppenScott MalinowskiThe ButcherWendy WyrmWooly's mom
